PHASCUM crassinervium.
Thick-nerved Phascum.
Gen. Char. Fruitstulk terminal. Capsule closed (lid persistent). Peristome none. Calyptra diS
midiate, sometimes campanulate. pec. Char. Stemless. Leaves linear, suberect and recurved, toothed at the apex, nerve thick and excurrent. Capsule ovate, pointed, almost sessile,
immersed in the leaves. Calyptra dimidiate. Syn. Phascum crassinervium. Schwaegr. Suppl.
v .l.p t. 1. p. 4. t. 2 ? Nees and Hornsch. Bryol.
Germ. v. 1. p. 40. t. 4. ƒ. 3? Greville Scot.
P Cparychpyt.c aFrIp. otn. .3 5B3 r!uch and Schimper Bryol. Bur.
Fasc. l.p. 8. t. 2 (excluding all the synonyms
P. threerceu rcvitiefodl)i.u m. Mou-geot and Nestler stirp.
Crypt. Voges. no. 902.
I t is with much reluctance that we dissent from the views
of Bruch and Schimper concerning this moss, which we assume
to be identical with their Phascum pachycarpon, while it
exactly corresponds with original specimens of Dr. Greville s
P. crassinervium, and with his admirable figure and description,
whahviech s etehne. auWthoitrhs oDfr .t hGe rBevryilolelo’sg icao nEcuurrorpenoecae , awppe eraert anino t thtoe
name given by him for the following reasons : Phascum recurvifolium,
Nees and Hornsch. Bryol. Germ. 1. 42. t. 5.f. 4,
and P. pachycarpon, Schwaegr. Suppl- I. 1. p- 6. t. 2, (which
are both cited by Bruch and Schimper without any remark
under their P. pachycarpon,) represent the leaf, as in P. patens,
Hedw., with a thin narrow nerve, ceasing below the apex.
Nees and Hornschuch even cite P. recurvifolium, Dickson,
Crypt, fasc. 4.p. 1. t. 10./. 2, as a synonym, or rather as the
type of their “ P. recurvifolium, Dickson.” Bridel (in Bryol.
Univ. v. 1.1. 31) has the following remark : “P. recurvifolium,
Dicks, hue non pertinet estque mera P . patentis varietas, aliter
tamen sentiente Clar. Nees von Esenb., while he makes no
mention of any remarkable thickness of the nerve in his own P.
recurvifolium, which he thus describes : “ folii nervo manilesto