CAREX Buxbaumii.
Buxbaumian Carex.
MONCECIA Triandra.
Gen. Char. Flowers in imbricated spikes, each covered
by a glume. Barren flowers without calyx
or corolla. Fertile flowers with a single urceo-
late persistent perigone inclosing a nut. Style 1.
Stigmas 2 or 3.
Spec. Char. Spikes 3 or 4, oblong, sessile, contiguous;
the lowest shortly stalked, rather distant; the
terminal spike sterile at the base. Stigmas 3.
Fruit oval, obtuse, compressed (ultimately trigonous),
bidentate, subscabrous above ; lower ones
shorter than the cuspidate glumes. Nut ob-
ovate, trigonous, blunt, apiculate. Lower bract
Syn. Carex Buxbaumii. “ Wahl. Act. Holm. 1803.
164.” Willd. Caric. 48. Spr. FI. Hal. ed. 2.
v. 1. 406. Schk. Car. pt. 2. 45. Hoppe Car.
Germ. t. b. 11. Mack. FI. Hibern. pt. 1. 328.
Koch Syn. FI. Germ. 756. Kunth Caric. 432.
Bab. Man. Br. Bot. 339.
C. canescens. “ Linn” Boott in Hook. Br. FI.
ed. 5. 425.
C. polygama. Schk. Car. t. X. & Gg. no. 76.
Spenn. FI. Frib. 53.
Cyperoides majus spicis brevibus, rotundis, spadi-
ceo-viridibus. Buxb.Pl.Min. Cogn.centA.33. t. 59.
JA/OOT creeping. Stems solitary, leafy below, 1-2 feet
high, triquetrous, the angles smooth below but rough in the