Oval lipped Helleborine.
GYNANDRIA Monandria.
Gen. Char. Perianth patent. Lip interrupted, the
basal division concave, the terminal one larger
with two projecting plaits at its base above.
Stigma nearly square. Rostellum short, terminated
by a globose appendage. Anther terminal,
erect, sessile, free, 2-celled; cells without septa.
Pollen-masses granular ; granules in only a slight
state of cohesion. Column short. Germen
straight on a twisted stalk.
Spec. Char. Leaves ovate-oblong, acute, the upper
ones lanceolate, 1 or 2 lowest bracts longer than
the flowers but shorter than the fruit. Terminal
division of the lip transversely oval, acute, as long
as the ovate-acute sepals and petals, its keel pli-
cate-crenate above.
Syn. Epipactis ovalis. Bab. Man. Br. Bot. 295.
E. latifolia f3. Sm. Eng. FI. v. 4. 41.
Helleborine altera atro-rubente flore. C. Bauh.
Pin. 186. Raii Syn. 383.
XVOOT of several long fleshy fibres, which penetrate deeply
amongst the stony rubbish which the plant inhabits. Stem
six to eighteen inches in height, often much tinged with purple,
clothed at the base with several rather close but funnel-
shaped leafless sheaths. Leaves small, ovate, acute, longer