Feathery Callithamnion.
Gen. Char. Filaments mostly pinnated, rarely dichotomous
; dissepiments colourless. Capsules
scattered, with wide colourless borders. Receptacles
sessile on the branches, lobed, containing
large granules.—Harv.
Spec. Char. Stems rising from creeping filaments,
erect, subsimple or alternately branched; branches
naked below, the upper half pinnated with short,
erect, close-set, opposite ramuli. Articulations
2-4 times longer than broad. Capsules globose,
Syn. Callithamnion Pluma. Ag. Sp. Alg. v. 2.162.
Harv. in Hook. Eng. FI. v. 5. pt. 1. 115.
Callithamnion plumula pusilla. Lyngb. Hyd. Dan.
127. t. 39. C.
Conferva Pluma, Dillw. t. F. (fig. excellent.)
Ceramium Pluma, Duby Bot: Gall. 970. Desm. !
PI. Crypt. Fr. no. 1026.
J? ORMING short tufted patches, 1 to | an inch high, on
the stems of Laminaria digitata, rising from creeping filaments
which are attached to the matrix by short processes,
divided at the tips into little papillae. Stems erect, nearly
simple or slightly branched; branches naked below, but regularly
pinnate above, with short, erect, opposite, mostly
simple pinnae, so as to form little rose-red feather-like fronds.
Capsules globose, generally seated on the tips of the pinnae.
Articulations of the main stem 2-4 times longer than broad.