Slender Cotton-Grass.
TRIANDRIA Monogynia.
G e n . C h a r . Glumes imbricated on all sides, nearly
equal. Style deciduous. Nut triangular, surrounded
by hairs much longer than the glume.
S p e c . C h a r . Spikes several. Culm slender, trigonal.
Leaves triquetral, equilateral. Peduncles
pubescent. Glumes many-nerved.
S y n . Enophorum gracile. Koch in Roth Cat. Bot.
fasc. 2. app. Roth Supp. to Willd. in Konig
Ann. of Bot. v. 1. 151.* Vahl Enum. v. 2. 390.
Pers. Syn. v. 1. 70. DeC. FI. Fr. v. 3. 132.
JVahl. FI. Lapp. 19. Ejusd. FI. Suec. 30.
Poit. et Turp. FI. Paris, t. 53. Mert. et Koch
Dent. FI. v. 1. 457. Gaud. FI. Helv. v. 1. 132.
Bluff et Fing. Comp. FI. Germ. v. 1. 71. Lej.
et Court. Comp. Fl.Belg. v. 1. 47. Wimm. et
Grab. FI. Siles. pt. 1.41. Deitr. in Link. Sp.
PI. v. 2. 206. Ejusd. FI. March. 90. Kunth
Enum. v. 2. 179. Koch Syn. 746. Drej. FI.
Ease. Hofn. 19. Bab. Man. Brit. Bot. 334.
E. triquetrum. Hoppe Bot. Tasch. ann. 1800.
Sturm Deut. FI. v. 1. fasc. 10. Schrad. FI.
Germ. v. 1. 152. Host Gram. Austr. v. 4. 42.
t. 74. Ejusd. FI. Austr. v. 1. 63. Wallr. Annus
Bot. 10. FI. Dan. t. 1441. Reich. FI. Exc.
v. 1. 79. no. 552.
(Excluding, everywhere, Vaill. t. 16. ƒ. 2. and E.
gracile, Sm.)
T? J J OUND, for the first time in Britain, near Croft in York-
* From Neue Beit.r. zur Bot. v. 1. p. 63.