ATR1PLEX rosea.
Rose-coloured Orache.
Gen. Char. Sterile flowers : Perianth 5-partite, inferior.
Stamens 5. Fertile flowers : Perigone
of 2 more or less connected valves. Stigmas 2.
Pericarp membranaceous, free. Seed vertical ;
its hylum lateral or almost basal; testa crusta-
ceous ; radicle inferior, ascending.
Spec. Char. Stems spreading, procumbent or ascending,
with spreading branches. Leaves mealy,
ovate-triangular, somewhat 3-lobed, unequally
sinuate-dentate ; the upper ones lanceolate-dentate,
and 3-lobed at the base, or nearly entire.
Enlarged calyces rhomboidal, acute, toothed,
with 2 irregular rows of tubercles on the back.
Clusters axillary and terminal, few-flowered.
Seeds minutely tubercular-rugose.
Syn. Atriplex rosea. Linn. Sp. PI. 1493. DeCand.
Bot. Gall. 398. Ledeh. FI. Alt. v. 4. 314. Koch.
Syn. FI. Ger. 611. Sturm. Deuts. FI. pt. 80. 3.
Bab. Prim. FI. Sam. 84. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin.
v. 1. 13. t. 2. Man. Br. Bot. 253.
A. alba. Reich. FI. Excurs. 578.
A. patula f3. Sm. FI. Br. v. 3. 1092.
I t is probable that this plant has been usually confounded
with A. patula by English botanists; and when we consider
the great difficulty attending the determination of species in
this genus, caused chiefly by the very variable forms of most