KUBUS glandulosus.
Bellardi’s Bramble.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-cleft. Petals 5. Berry superior,
of several single-seeded juicy grains,
placed upon a protuberant spongy receptacle.
Spec. Char. Stem declinate-procumbent, round,
glaucous, with numerous gland-tipped setae, and
small, unequal, mostly acicular prickles. Leaves
ternate ; leaflets ovate, cuspidate, hairy on both
sides, green beneath, all stalked. Panicle but
little divided, hairy, setose and prickly. Calyx
clasping the fruit ; at length reflexed.
Syn. Rubus glandulosus. Bellardi FI. Pedem. App.
in Mem. Acad. Turin, v. 5. 230. Willd. Enmn.
548. DeC. FI. Fr. v. 4. 474. Fries Nov. Suec.
Mant. alt. 36. Arrhen. Mon. Rub. Suec. 40.
R. Bellardi. Weihe fy Nees Rubi Germ. 97. t. 44.
Mert. Koch Deut. FI. v. 3. 509. Bluff. 8f Fing.
Comp. FI. Germ. ed. 1. v. 1. 688. Lej. Sj Court.
FI. Belg. v. 2. 173. Wim. % Grab. FI. Siles.
pt. 2. v. 1. 41.
R. hybridus. Wallr. Sched. Crit. v. 1.229. Gaud.
FI. Helv. v. 3. 365.
(Excluding, wherever they occur as synonyms, R.
hybridus Villars, R. villosus Ait., and R. hirtus
Wald. & Kit.)
k \_ REMARKABLE and beautiful Bramble, “ antiquis-
sima et sane nobilissima,” says Fries, of the many species se