VICIA gracilis.
Many-seeded Slender Tare.
Gen. Char. Calyx 5-cleft or 5-toothed. Style filiform,
hairy all over or bearded in front.
Spec. Char. Peduncles 1-7-flowered, at length about
twice as long as the leaves, aristate ; leaflets
2-4 pairs, erect, linear, acute; tendrils simple.
Legumes sublinear oblong, 5-8- (mostly 6-) seeded.
Seeds smooth, mottled ; the hilum short,
Syn. Vicia gracilis. Lois. FI. Gall. ed. 2. v. 2. 148.
t. 12. (optimci.) Bab. Man. 79. Doll. Rhein.
FI. 790. Koch Syn. 192. Merat Nouv. FI.
de Par. 282. M. Biebers. FI. Taur.-Caucas.
v. 3. 474.
V. laxiflora. Brot. Phytog. Lusit. Select. 125. t. 52.
Ervum gracile. DeCand. Cat. Hort. Monsp. 109.
Hook. Br. FI. ed. 5. 89. Koch Deutsch. FI.
v. 5. 161. Sebast. et Maur. FI. Rom. Prod.
248. Lej. et Court. FI. de Spa, pt. 2. 108.
Comp. FI. Belg. v. 3. 68. Bab. FI. Bath. 74.
E. tetraspermum, |3. DeCand. Prodr. v. 2. 367.
E. varium. Brot. FI. Lusit. v. 2. 152.
E. longifolium. Ten. Prod. FI Neap. 59 !
E. tenuissimum. Pers. Syn. 2. 309 !
E. polyspermum. Sm. in Herb.
E. tetraspermum, (3. tenuifolium. Fries Novit.
Suec. ed. 2. 231.
W E have followed many of the leading botanists of the
day in giving the subject of these remarks as a species, rather