when they are firft bred out o f nits are white; but, as they grow
bigger, by degrees affume other colours, yet fo that preferving the tranf-
parency o f their bodies. By the help o f a microfcope, the motion o f
their entrails,- and circulation o f their juices may very plainly be
O f thofe larger kind o f Spiders, Plate (X X X V ,) Marian tell us
ihe found very many on the tree Guajava, in which they make nefts,
reprefenting a caterpiller’s web. They are cover’d all over with hair,
arm’d befides with lharp pointed teeth, with which they give dangerous
wounds, infuling fome liquid matter from them at the fame time-
Pilmixes'are their common food; in fcarcity o f which they take the
little birds out o f their nefts, and luck out all the blood o f their little
bodies. They Ihed their coats now and then, juft as .caterpillers do,
y et: Were never oblerv’<l to change into the volatile, kind. I take this
Spider to be .the male to N ’. 173. .
F I N I S .
Flate ALUT .