and fro a certain thin film befet with many fmall tranfparent bars,
which probably may be his ears; in the forepart o f his head, between
the two fore-legs, he has two final long jointed feelers, or rather firteli-
ers, M M, which have four joints, and are hairy, like thofe o f feveral
other creatures; between thefe, it has a fmall probojcis, or probe,
K N O, that feems to confift o f a tube N N , and a tongue or fucker O
which I have perceiv’d him to flip in and out. Befides thefe, it has
two chaps or biters P P, which are fomewhat like thofe o f an ant, but
I could not perceive them tooth’d ; thefe were fhap’d very like the
blades o f a pair o f round top’d Sciffers, and were opened and fhut juft
after the fame manner; with thefe inftruments does this little bufie
creature bite and pierce the skin, and fuck out the blood o f animals,
leaving the skin inflamed with a fmall round red fpot. Thefe parts are
very difficult to be difcovered, becaufe, for the moft part, they lye
covered between the fore-legs. There are many other particulars,
which, beingmore obvious, and affording no great matter o f information,
I fhall pals by, and refer the reader to the Figure.
Of the L o u s e .
B H I S is a creature fb officious, that ’twill be known to every
one at one time or other, fo bufie, and fo impudent, that it
will be intruding itfelf in every one’s «company, and fo proud
and afpiring withal, that it fears not to trample on the b’eft, and affedls
nothing fo much as a crown; feeds and lives very high, and that makes
it fb fancy, as to pull any one by the ears that comes in his way, and
will never be quiet till it has drawn blood : it is troubled at nothing CQ
much as at a man that {cratches his head, as knowing that man is plotting