2,8 A Natural His Tory
lpotted with black and white; the legs were long, and finely fpotted j
the feelers {lender. It had eight eyes Handing as they are exprefled
over the head o f the Spider in the Plate. At the end o f its tail there
were little fhort things like feathers Handing up, which it opened and
{hut like a fan at its pleafure. It was taken in the middle o f J u ly , in
a Chamber-Window, at the Greyhound Inn at Maiden-Head.
T h i s is one o f the long legged Spiders, o f a dark hair-colour j its
body was finall and fbmething flatter than is ufual in thefe forts o f
Spiders; its legs and feelers were long. It had but two eyes Handing
as they are exprefled in the copper Plate. It was taken near Peckham,.
in the beginning, o f July*
T h i s Spider’s back was o f a darkifh afh colour, with a cafl o f red •
the upper fide o f the belly was o f a redifh hair-colour, with a large
clouded triangle; in the middle o f which there were white marks regularly
placed from the back to the end o f the tail. The legs o f this
Spider were hairy and finely fpotted, and intermixed with fbme briflles •
the feelers {lender and hairy; as was alfo the whole Spider, It had
eight eyes Handing as they are exprefled in the copper Plate.
N \ XC.
T h e back and legs o f this Spider were o f a dark green-, the belly
o f a fine grafi green j on the upperfide o f which there was a pretty large
mark of dark green, and round the mark of dark green, a yellowifh
green. Its feelers were {lender. It had eight eyes Handing as they are
exprefled in the Plate. It was faken upon an Oak-Tree in Cain-
Wood, at the latter end o f J u ly .
N". XCI.