0/ S P IDE R S , &c. 25
in the Plate. It was taken about the middle o f June, upon a dry
bank on Putney-Heath, where it fpun a very thick web, and had made
two holes which led into a large hole in thé bank, in which it lay
very llill, 'expeéfiug itg prey which, as foonas it is entangl’d, it would
run out and patch up, .and run into the hole with it.
T h e back o f this Spider was o P a fléfli' colour mix’d with a call o f
green; the legs and feelers ó f achelhut colour, with agreeniih c a ll;
the upper fide o f the belly was o f a bright yellowilh green in the
middle, and a blueifh green on the outfides. It had a beautiful red fpot
at the end o f its ta il: It had fix eyes, placed as is expreffed by the dots
over the Spider in the,Plate. It was found in a.thin, web on the bufhes
on Putney-Heath, about the middle o f June.
T H is Spider was all over o f a light yellowilh green; on the upper
fide o f the belly thére were two rows o f firiall black fpots; its feelers
were fiender; the legs long for the bign'efs o f the Spider. It had fix
eyes placed as they are expreffed in the Plate. After it was taken it
ftied its skin, but differed nothing from what it was before. This
was taken about the middle o f June on Putney-Heath.
T h i s Spider was all over o f a buff colour, with a dark chefnut
coloured mark on each fide the back and belly, and two fpots o f the
fame colour near the tail. The feelers were long and fiender. It had
eight eyes placed as is expreffed in the Plate. It was taken on a furzs-
bufh on Putney-Heath on the twenty firft o f June.
e B N \ LXXXI.