with the fame. Its legs were fpotted 5 the feelers {lender. It had fix
eyes Handing as they are exprefled in the copper Plate. It was taken
under the coping o f a Garden-Wall, at Newington, about the middle
t>f September.
T h e back o f this Spider was o f a darkifli red, or chefnut colour,
ftriped with black, the middle being the lighteft; the upper and under
fide o f the belly were o f a hair-colour finely marked and fpeckled
with a darker colour-, the legs and feelers were o f a dark chefnut colour;
the feelers hairy. It had eight eyes Handing as they are placed
in the copper Plate. It was taken in a Garden the twenty feventh o f
N \ GIX.
T h e back o f this Spider is yellowifh, and the fides o f it black; the
upper fide o f the belly was o f a hair-colour, which being viewed by a
magnifying glals, it was Co finely clowded with fmall {pecks as not to
be deferibed; the legs were fpotted; the feelers {lender. It had fix eyes
Handing as they are exprefled in the copper Plate. It was taken under
the coping o f a wall, at Newington, about the middle o f September.
N°. CX .
T he back o f this Spider was blackifli in the middle, and redifli
on the fides ; the belly was o f a dark chelnut colour, in the middle
o f which was a row o f white {pots; the feelers were {lender, the legs
{potted. It had eight eyes Handing as they are placed in the copper
Plate. It was taken in a Garden at Hackney, about the middle o f