T hi s Spider was found amongft fome books; it was o f a brown
colour. It had eight legs as other Spiders, but in the place o f feelers
it had two long things like the claws o f a lobfter, and would ufe
them as a crab or lobfter doth to pinch or lay hold o f any thing. It
would alfo run backwards or forwards as crabs do, and as well backwards
as forwards. It feems rather to be one o f the tick or bugg kind
than that o f a Spider.
T H E eyes o f Spiders ( in jome two, in feme four, in fome f x ,
and in feme eig h t) are placed in the forefront o f their head, ( which
is round and without any neck J a ll diaphanous a nd tranfeparent, like
a locket o f diamonds, &c : Neither do I wonder why providence Jhould
be Jo anomalous in this animal, more than in any other we know o f ;
fo r f r j l fence they, wanting a neck, cannot move their head, it is re-
quifete that defeat Jhould be feupplied by the multiplicity o f eyes. Secondly
fence they are to live by catching f e nimble a prey as a fey
is, they ought to fe e her every way, and to take her, per faltum
( as they do J without any motion o f the head to difeover h er; which
motion would have feared away feo timorous an infeea. Power’s'Microfe.
obferv. pag. 1 1.
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