Of .-SPIDERS, ere... 23
Spider was taken with a {mail flatifh ball o f eggs, o f a blueifh colour,
which it held under its belly. It was found near Woolwich'in Kentj
about the middle o f ’June.
T t t f i back o f this Spider was o f a dark red colour; the belly, which')
was pretty large for the bigneli o f the Spider, was marked with black,
white, and orange coloured marks. It had a ball o f eggs when it was
taken, which was round, and o f a pale blue colour. It was found.;
about the middle o f June, near Charlton in Kent.
THIS Spider had; on the middle.of the bafck, a large dark {pot:
edged With alight colour, and on the outfide o f that black; the upper ~
fide o f the belly Was prettily marked, with black and hair-colour; the s
legs were o f a dark colour; its feelers had globular ends., This was .
taken near Charlton in -Kent. The eyes were io fmall that their number
and {landing could not be diftinguifhed.
g f f l LXXIII.
T h E back o f this Spider was o f a red colour; the upper fide o f the
belly Was black, With a whiteifh vellow mark along the middle, lik e ;
a fmall fprig o f the. yew tre e ; the end of its ta il was forked; its feelers
were {lender. It had eight eyes placed at they are deferibedin the Plate. .
It was taken in a warren near Woolwich in Kent, about the middle o f
June, in a very thick web on the ground, making a large hole for its
ingrefs and egrefs, where it lays concealed till the prey is entangled, ,
and then coming forth it lays hold on it, and killing it carries it into its
holei Some of thefe Spiders are taken in Ju ly , much larger; but
nothing differing in fhape or colours.