T h i s Spider’s back and belly was o f a curious finning black, with
fome few fpots and marks o f white, on the top and fides o f its b e lly ;
the leers were o f a redifh chefnut colour • its feelers black and flender 5
the belly was large for the bignefs o f the Spider. It was fo bright and
Ihining that its eyes could not be dilcerned. It was taken in Ca'tn-
fVood, in the beginning o f June.
. N ;. LX V .
T h e back, legs, and feelers o f this Spider were o f a hair-colour; the
upper fide o f its belly finely marked with chefnut, orange and white; on
the under fide there was abroad black mark, reaching from the head
to the tail. It had fix eyes placed as they are exprefTed in the Plate»
It was taken in Cain-Wood, at the beginning o f June. ~
T h e back of this Spider was large and black, with two .recTmarks,
on the lower part next the belly, which was" final! and pointed ar
the tail end.,, and finely marked with white ; the legs, were between, a-
black and ehëfnvit colour; the'feelers' of a light hair-colour with globular
’poihtec! knobs’ ’at the ends 5 on the innermoft fide of which was a.
Aiinino black Ipot. It had fix eyes placed as is exprefTed in. the Plate»
It was taken’ in Cam-Wood, at thé'beginning of Ju n e .,
N°. LXVIfe
T his long legged Spider was of a yelfowifh hair-colour, the back,
belly, and head making, one intire lump, haying no djvifion between the
back and belly, as in other Spiders; the feelers.were flender; towards