4 r A Natural H i story
“ it to the patients the night before the fit ; let them take after it
“ four ounces o f treacle-water, and go to bed and cover themfèlves
“ warm, endeavouring to Iweat. They will have a moft fèvere fit
“ after the taking the firft dole, but after the fécond dole it will leave
“ them. By this method I have cured many people o f ftubborn and
“ long continu’d tertian, quartan, and quotidian Fevers,- particularly
“ fome o f the fèrvants o f the Honourable Colonel Schütz, when their
“ taking the Bark for a long time failed : as allô Dame Hughs o f Totten.
“ ham-Court Road o f a tertian Ague of three years continuance, with
“ many others. I have likewifé cured lèverai children, both male and
“ female, by hanging a large Spider confined alive in a box about
“ their neck, reaching to the pit o f the ftomach, without giving any
tc internal remedies. Their web, with the addition o f Frog-fpawn,
“ is a moft excellent ftyptick for bleeding at the nofè, or any flight
‘ ‘ wound o f the body.”
The JJJe. ty. “ The clean web o f the houfe Spider, and dip it in
<£ the fpawn o f Frogs, beaten as you would the whites o f eggs, fève-
eC ral times letting it dry on pewter, or earthen plates, between each
“ time o f dipping it, and keep it in a box dole ftopt from air, and
“ apply it when you have occafion. With this remedy I laved a
“ gentleman o f worth in Lincolns-Inn-Fields, who had bled at the
“ nofè lèverai hours, when all the applications failed which were ufed
“ by two eminent Surgeons.”
I h a v e , obfèrv’d, fince I writ this, afmall Ichneumon Fly to Iky
its eggs on the egg-bags o f the houfè Spider, the worms o f them penetrating
the bag, eat up the eggs, leaving the skins ; and then make
themfèlves finall brown cafes, in which they change into Flies, which
come out in the beginning o f M ay.
N ”. IX.
T hi s Spider is o f a blackifh colour on the back, the upper fide
o f its belly was o f a yellowifh dark afh-colour, mark’d with black j