middle o f the back; its feelers lighter, with globular bunches at the
ends, ending in a point. It had four eyes Handing as they are expreff-
ed in the Plate. '
N*. CV .
T hi s large long legged Spider was o f a hair-colour, and very hairy
all over the back, belly, legs, and feelers; its back is the darkefl
part; on the upper fide o f the belly were two rows o f black and light
Ipots, placed interchangeably one alter the other. The feelers have
two knobs on each; the laH ending in a point. It had eight eyes
Handing as they are exprefled in the copper Plate. It was taken under
the coping o f a Garden-Wall, at Newington, about the middle o f
N°. CVI.
T hi s Spider was o f a yellowifli hair-colour; in the middle o f its
back was a flreak of black, in the middle o f which was a fquare;
the belly, which was very flender towards the tail, on its upper fide
was marked croft-wile with a dark colour and lines o f black ; the legs
were o f a yellowilh hair-colour, and foil o f black briHles,. the foremoil
o f which were very long for the bigneft o f the Spider; the
feelers had globular knobs at their ends. It had fix eyes placed as they
are exprefled in the Plate, and was taken by the New-River near
SJlington, about the middle o f September.
T h e middle o f the back o f this Spider was blade; the fides red ;
the belly was o f an alh colour, the upper part o f which was prettily
marked with a blackilh colour, and the fides o f the belly finely Ipeckled
F with