14 A Natural H i story
coloured fpots, and ac the end o f the tail a fpot or tip o f fcarlet colour.
its feelers {mall and o f a tranlparent green colour, it had fix eyes
placed as is exprefled in the Plate, they were very plain to be feen, the
body being almoft tranlparent, and the eyes black. It was taken in
a web on an Elm-Tree, eating a large black F ly, at the beginning o f
May, on Epping-Forefi. There was one taken at the fame time much
'fmaller, but marked exactly like the great one.
f e XLII.
T h i s Spider was o f the fame colour, and marked exa&ly like the
former, the feelers o f the former being o f a tranfparent green: This
Spider’s feelers are o f a muddy green with globular knobs at the ends:
It had fix eyes Handing as they are exprefled in the Plate. It was taken
on the Forejl at the fame place and time with the former. Thefe
itwo, I believe, to be male and female.
T h e back o f this Spider was o f a redifh flefh colour with a lightifh
fpot o f the fame colour in the middle. In the upper fide o f its belly
which was pretty large, was a large dark {hade o f the fhape o f a triangle,
with a white line, reaching from the back to the tail end, which white
line was cut through in feveral places by the dark {hades; the feelers
were {lender ; It had fix eyes, placed as they are expreffed in the Plate.
It was taken in a garden o f S ir Richard Childs on Epping-Forejl.
■ in the beginning o f May.
h e back ofthis Spider was chefnut colour, the belly almofl black,
with a caft o f copper colour, on the upper fide o f which w as a white
mark joining to the back, the legs were o f a light hair-colour very tranfparent,
and finely fpotted with black 5 the feelers had fmall globular