a A Natural Hi s tor y
three on each fide, two between the feelers, in thefe {pots ftand their
eyes, in number eight, placed in a femicircular manner, the two up-
permoft being the largeft. I have obferved the Spiders, which have
their eyes {landing in this manner, catch their prey, by jumping on it.
K ° . III.
T h e s e Spiders are o f a blackifh colour, with a lightifh ftreak on
their back. They are found in the fpring time running on the ground,
Under the dead grafs in the fields and hedges. In the beginning o f
June, they are found with their egg-bag, which is flattifh and o f a
darkifh colour, faftrjed to the under part o f their bellies, which they
run very lightly awgy with. By the beft observation with glaffes,
they are found to have but four eyes; which are placed as they are
exprefled over the head o f the Spider in the Plate.
h i s Spider is p f a dark afh colour, finely fpotted with black all
over the belly, back, and leg s ; having a ftreak o f white in the middle
o f the back, and upper fide o f the belly. Its legs are fomething
lighter than the other parts, and the fpecks fomething {mailer. It had
fix eyes, {landing as they are placed over the Spider in the Plate, the
two foremoft o f which at? the leaft.
N°. V.
T h e back o f this Spider was o f a lead colour, the upper fide o f
the belly o f a reddifh or brownilh caft, finely marked. The legs were
marked with large fpots o f black and hair-colour. Its feelers are like
fliining globes, a little inclining to an oval figure, o f a dark colour,
almoft black. It could not be diftindtly obferved how many eyes it
had.' It was taken, in the beginning of A p r il, on a burdock.
N°. VI