which thole diforders are accompanied; ¡1 is alfo regarded as poiTelTed of a very confiderable
degree of antlieptic virtue.
A much more wonderful power is attributed by fome writers to certain particular fpecies
of this genus, viz. that of charming or overpowering poifonous ferpents by the fmelL* When
we confider the powerful effe£t of certain vegetable odours on fome animals, the trudi of fuch
accounts, however marvellous, cannot be reafonably queftioned. Cats, it is well known, are
thrown into a peculiar kind of traniport by the fmell of Valerian, and ftill more by that of
Teucrium Marum, or Syrian Herb Maftich, and Nepeta Cataria, or Catmint. The ipecles
of Ariilolochia here figured has been named Arlftolochia hlrfuta from a flight degree of hairinefs
which appears on the italks and leaves: It is a native of the Eaft Indies, and is a fpecies of
great elegance: the leaves are of a full green, fomewhat glaucous beneath; and the flowers
are of a pahih green, ftrongly tinged on the lower part with a browniili purple, while the
internal part of the hp Is of a very deep purple.
It remains to be obferved that the fpecies here reprefented by Mr. Millar is by no means
fo clear as might be wlihed.