For the Generic CharaBers of Pfutacus fee TAB. IV.
Pfittacus macrourus kiteus, alaram teflriclbus virldibus, orbitis mbris, reftricibus laterallbus
extus caeruleis. LIN. SYST. NAT. p. 141.
Pfittacus Angolenfis. ALB. A v . 3. p. 13. t. 13.
Long-tailed yellow Parrot, with the wing-coverts green, the orbits red, the fide-feathers of the
tail blue on their outer edges.
Angola Yellow Parrot. LATH. SYN. I. p. 224.
Perroquet from Angola. ALBIN. 3. t. 13.
THE general fize of this fplendid fpecies is that of a large turtle, and its length about a foot.
It is regarded not only as one of the rareft, but the moll beautiful, of its genus. It is fubjeft
to fbme variety in point of colour, which in the different fpecimens is more or Icfs vivid, and
IS more richly tinaured with orange-colour in fome fpecimens than in others. The fmaller
wing-coverts are commonly furnillied with fcattered green feathers, interfperfed with yellow;
but are fometimes totally green. On the back fome fpots of green are vifible, and the rump
JS of a yellowifli or apple-green colour. The long feathers of the wings, or remiges, are blue
on the exterior edges, which on the fliorter row, or thofe neareft the body, gradually finks into
a pale yellow-green. The larger wing-coverts are ftrongly ringed with orange. The middle
tail-feathers are yellow-green, while the three exterior ones on the outward edge are of a bright
blue. The bill afli-colour, and the orbits of the eyes, as well as the cere of the bill, are of a
pale red; but this varies in fome birds into alb-colour. In the individual fpecimen from which
the prefent figure was taken, the bill appears to have been black. The legs are generally of
a dull rcddifli or fle(h-colour. This bird is an inhabitant of Angola; and conftitiites one of
the moft diftinguiilied ornaments of die European mufenms.