fcrve that in this genus the diftin£lion between the fpecies is not very clear, and it may be
doubted whether feme which ornithologifts have defcribed as diftinft, be any thing more than
fexual differences. T h e prefent fpecies certainly differs in the dilpofition of colours from any
hitherto obferved. T h e bill is not of that enormous fize which diftinguiihes fome others, and
is fcarce or but very obicurely ierrated. It may be obferved that the Touc ans in general,
notwithilanding the formidable appearance which the fize of their bills gives them, are in reality
harmlefs birds, feedmg only on fruits, and that their bills are of a remarkably light and tender
ftrufture; in fome fpecies fo much fo as to be comprelTible in the living bird almoil as much
as vellum.