have nails. T h e hair throughout almol l the whole genus is r ema rkably foft and fine, and
g rows e r c f t , in the manner o f the pile on ve lve t : the ears are commonly roundi fh; the eyes
large, and the face fomewhat flattened on the fore-part , with a peculiar fliarpnefs o f vi iage,
owing to the fliape o f the fnout. T h e Ipecies here reprefented is rema rkable for the delicacy
o f its appe a r anc e : it ¡s one o f the fmaller kinds, and is eminently diftinguiilied b y the bluifh
lead-colour o f its hair, and the bright ferruginous colour o f the tail. T h e eyes are fur rounded
by a circle o f pale fer ruginous , and the internal par t o f the ears is o f a yel lowi ih white. Wh e n
fleeping this animal rolls itfelf up in the manner reprefented by the upper figure, with its tail
turned over its body, and the head placed between the hind-feet. It is one o f the rareft as
well as mof t elegant o f its genus , and is an inhabitant o f the ifland o f Mada g a f c a r .
^e-mur, muronui,