T A B . IV. FIG. 1.
Calyx pentaphyllus. Corolla bilabiata, ventricofa. Rudimentum filamenti quinti fuperne barbatum.
Capfula bilociilaris.
P . caule glabro, filamento fterili fiiperne barbato. HOET. KEW. 2. p. 361.
Digitalis perfoliata glabra, flore violaceo minore. MOR. HIST. PL. p. 479. f. 5. t. 8. fig. 6.
Calyx five-leaved. Corol bilabiate, venuicofe. Rudiment of a fifth filament bearded above.
Capfule bilocular.
Penftemon with finooth ftalliL, and the fterile filament bearded above.
THE plant here figured is a different fpecies from the Clielone Pentftemon of Linnseus; and as
(like that plant) it differs in fome particulars from the other fpecies of its genus, it would
therefore be liable to millead a beginning botanift, who, from this caufc, would not be able to
refer it to the genus under which LinnEEUs has arranged the other fpecies. In the Hortus
Kewenfis it fl:ands under a new genus, called Pentftemon, and is the Pentftemon Iscvigata of
that work. The fpecies with which it was before confounded is the Pentftemon pubefcens of
the Hort. Kewenfis. The P. laevigata is an American plant, and is a native of Virginia. It
is an herbaceous plant; divided into branches, on the upper parts of which the flowers are
difpofed in a kind of loofe fpikes or panicles. The natural tribe to which this plant belongs
contains a number of plants which poflefs very efficacious medicinal powers; but which, in
fome inftances, require the conduft of a fkilful phyfician to reftrain their violence. In the
Linnsean fyftem they belong to the Didynamia Angiofpermia, or plants with four flamina, two
of which exceed the others in height, and fumifl-ied with a clofe feed-vefiy. The P. tevigata
is chiefly regarded as an ornamental plant. The leaves are long, of a dcepifli green, fliarppointed,
and fomewhat ferrated. The flowers are of an elegant pale crimfon, more or lefs
vivid in different fpccimens.
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