Rojlrum cultratum apice incurvato, bafi pennis denudatum.
Lingua cartilaginea, bifida.
Pedes ambulatorii. LIN. SYST. NAT. p. 159.
Coracias? niger, gula abdomiiieque albis, peaore uropygioque flavis, tearicibus ferrugineis
albo maculatis.
Bill cultrated with the tip fomewhat incurvate, and the bafe bare of feather.?.
Tongue cartilaginous, bifid.
Feet formed for walking.
Black Roller? with throat and belly white, breaft and rump yellow, covert-feathers of the
wings ferniginous fpotted with white.
I r is not entirely clear whether the i|)ecies here reprefented fhould be with greater propriety
referred to the genus Coracias or to that of Oriolus ; in the genus Coracias the prevailing colours
are commonly blue in different degrees of intenfity, with a ftrong tinfture of ferruginous
on fome parts : in the genus Oriolus the prevailing colours are black and yellow, with an admixture
of ferruginous in fome fpecies. This general or prevailing colour in any particular
genus is undoubtedly not to be admitted as a part of the generic charafter, but merely as giving
fome (light general hint by which the genus may in fome degree be guefled at; farther than
this no dépendance is to be placed on this general agreement in colour amongft birds of the
fame genus. There are Ipecies both of Coracias and Oriolus which widely differ in colour from
moil other fpecies of their refpeftive genera. The bird which forms the flibjea of the preient
Plate is of a peculiarly elegant appearance. It is faid to be a native of Surinam. The bill is
red: the general colour of the bird on the upper parts is black; which is accompanied by a
glofs of blueifli, particularly on the fides of the head ; the covert-feathers of the wings are of
a fine high chefnut-colour, thofe neareil the back being tipped with white, caufing the appearance
of fo many white i]?ots: the breafl and rump are yellow, and on each fide the breaft,
near the flioulders, are feveral fmall Ijjots of black, pointing downwards: the lower part of
the belly and thighs are white: the legs of a reddifli-brown.