neck: the iife of this part Is to hold water, of which it is capable of containing a very large
quantit)': this receptacle is peculiar to the male bird, and it is uncertain whether any of the
exotic kinds of Buftard are furniihed with a limilar part or not. A defcription of this pouch
in the common Buftard may be found in Mr . Edwards's Natural Hiftory of Birds, accompanied
by a figure: it was firft difcovered and defcribed by Dr. Douglafs, about the year 1730?
T h e Ipecies of Buftard here figured is one of the fmaller kinds: the head is reprefented
on the Plate of the natural fize: the bii-d is about the fize of the Charadrius cedicnemus of
Linnasus, or Stone Plover (which is b y Mr. Latham, in his Synopfis of Birds, ranked under
the genus Otis). The colour of this fpecies on the upper parts is brown, undulated with black:
the lower parts are of a dull yellowiih white, paleft towards the fides: the chin is white; and
on each fide the head is a broad ftreak of black; a fmaller ftreak of black alfo pafles over
the eye on each fide; the fpace between the two ftreaks being yel low; and a fmall ftreak of
white tending backwards, and bounded beneath by fome flight markings of black, appears
behind each eye: the bill is blackiih, and the legs pale yellowiih brown. This bird is an inhabitant
of India.
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