back greeniih aih-colour, ftriped with black: on the wliig-coverts are two white bars, of
which the upper one tends to yellowiih : the tail is brown, and the exterior feather has a ipot
of white on the inner web ; the fécond has a fomewhat fmaller ipot, and the third is only
ilighdy marginated within with white: the legs are yellow, and the claws pale brown. Such
is the accurate defcription given by Mr. Latham of the male bird : the female differs ; the head
being generally of a greeniih yellow, ftreaked with flender lines of black; over the eyes a line
of yellow ; eyelids yellow ; throat, cheeks, and breaft, whitiih yellow, fprinkled with oblong
i])ots of brown from the fides of the mouth to the breall: : the reft as in the male, but greener
on the back, and ftreaked more fparingly. From the above defcription it fliould ieem that
this fpecies is fubjeél: to vary; fmce (exclufive of fome flight difference in the colour of the
male, as reprefented on the prefent Plate) the female differs in plumage from that deicribed by
Mr. Latham, and has the forehead red or orange-coloured, and a fmall patch of afti-colour
behind the eye.