ftapecl leaves; in the artificial fyftem it Hands amongft the Trianclria Monogynia, or plants
furniihed with three ftamina and one ftyle. It is an extremely elegant, but by no means a numerous,
genus. The fpeeies liere figured is a native of Perfia and the Cape of Good Hope; it
is the fcarlet-flowered Antholyza of the Hortus Kewenfis, and appears to have been cultivated
by tlie late Mr. Pliilip Miller in tlie year 1756. The genus Antholyza is very nearly allied to
that of Gladiolus, or Corn-flag. It is in tliis genus alio that Madam Merian, the celebrated
heroine of natural hiftory, is immortalized; a fpeeies of Antholyza being named Meriana from
that lady. This is hardly a fufficient diftinftion for a charaifter which merits fo much praife:
there ought furely to be a diftina genus inftitnted in honour of fo celebrated a lady, who, in
her zeal for natural hifl:oiy, fet at defiance die dangers of the ocean, and refided for two years
in the imfkvourable climate of Surinam, to examine the mod remarkable Infefts and Plants of
that country.