T A B . LV.
C H A R A C T E R G E N E R I C U S .
Roftrum minimum, incurvimi, fubulatum, baii deprefllim.
RiBus capite amplior. LIN. SYST. NAT. p. 3 4 3 .
C H A R A C T E R S P E C I F I C U S .
Himndo nigra, collari albo.
G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R .
Bill very fmall, fomewhat bent, depreiied at the baie.
Nofirils patent.
Ri&us or gape very wide.
Legs ihor t : toes tliree before, one behind.
S P E C I F I C C HA R A C T E R .
Black Swallow, with white collar.
THE fpecies to which this feems to make the neareft approach is the Hirundo Cayanenfis of
Mr . Latham's Index Ornithologicus, or white-collared Swift of his Synopfis of Birds, from
which however it differs in its larger fize, as well as in the want of a particular mark by which
that bird is diftinguifhed, viz. a forked or bifid ftreak of white fituated between the bill and
the eye.
T h e Bignonia Sempervirens, added as an ornament to the Plate, is a fcandent fiirubby
branching plant, which grows fpontaneouily in Virginia and the Carolinas, as well as in fome
other parts of Nor th America.