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be obferved that fome other lizards exhibit, though in a far lefs ftriking degree, an occafional
alteration of colour; and this may be obferved particularly in the common fmaller water newt,
(Lacerta aquatica, Lin.) which, on fuddenly inunerging it into water of a colder temperature
than that in which it was found, will feldom fail to appear of a darker hue than before. The
general length of the Chameleon is fomewhat lefs than a foot. Its pace is flow. It is a harmlefs
animal, and fupports itfelf by feeding on infefts; for which purpofe the ftruflure of the
tongue is finely adapted; confifting of a long miffile body, forniihed with a dilated and fomewhat
tubular end. With this it feizes on infefts, and, retrafting the tongue with great rapidity,
fwallows them whole. It can allò iùpport a. long abilinence ; and hence aroie the popular
idea of the Chameleon's being noiirifhed by air alone. It is found in feveral parts of the
world, and particularly in Africa. It is alfe often feen in the warmer parts of Spain and