For the Generic Chara&ers of Oriolus fee TAB. LIII.
H A V I N G never examined a fpecimen of the elegant bird reprefented on the prefent Plate, I cannot
take upon me to determine with abfolute certainty the genus to which it ihould with the
greateft propriety belong. It appears however to be more nearly allied to diat of Oriolus than
to any other. The figure ihews it in its natural fize. The general dnge of the body is an
elegant blueifli lead-colour. The head is marked in a lingular manner, viz. by a triple ftripe
of black, which commencing at the bafe of the upper mandible, and from thence dividing,
pafles over the head and through the eyes on each fide. The fides of the head between the
eyes are alfo undulated widi black, and from behind each eye pafles a longitudinal itreak of
white to fome diilance down the neck. The larger wing-feathers or remiges are black ; the
fliorter ones being tipped with white. The lower part of the back and the rump are of a
beautiful jonquil yellow. The tail is black, except the two exterior feathers on each fide,
which are white. The bill is duiky, and the legs reddiili brown. Immediately beneath the
lower mandible is a fraall patch of ferruginous. It is a native of India.
THE Aitonia Capenfis, figured on this Plate, is a native of the Cape of Good Hope, and is
named in honour of the late Mr. William Alton, principal gardener to his Majefty at Kew, and
eminently diftinguifhed by his botanical knowledge, and his fuccefsful culture of the rareft and
moil difficultly managed plants.
" Ilium etiam lawi, ilium etiam fievere my rica"
The genus Aitonia, of which the Capenfis is the only fpecies at prefent known, is thus
chara£lerized, viz.
Calyx quadripartite. Corolla of four petals.
Pijlil fingle. Berry quadrangular, unilocular, many-feeded.
The height of the Aitonia rarely exceeds that of a few feet. The ftem is ihrubby; the branches
alternate and roundifli; and the flowers are produced on fingle footftalks from the bofoms of
the leaves. They are fucceeded by large exfuccous angular berries of a red colour.