body prevails, which in great meafure ferves to dlfcrlmlnate the birds of bodi thefe genera
from each other. The fpecles of Upupa here reprefented Is certainly one of the rareft of Its
genus as well as one of the moft beautiful. Its general colour Is a deep blacklfli violet,
glolTed in fome parts with a yellow or almoft glided tinge. The remlges or long feathers of
the wings are marked with a fpot of white, which is principally apparent on their inner edges;
but the chief charafter which dlfcrimlnates the fpecles is the remarkable manner in which the
reprices or tail-feathers are marked, viz. with a double oval fpot of white fituated on each
fide the ihaft towards the end of each featlier except the two middle ones. The tall is alfo
of the cuneiform ihape, or gradually Increafing in length, and with the two middle feathers
longer than the reft. The beak is orange-red, and the legs reddifh-brown. This bird is fuppofed
to be a native both of India and Africa. It feems fubjeft to vary in the colour of the
bill and legs, wlilch are fometlmes ftrongly inclining to duiky inftead of red; and Indeed the
colour of the whole bird is more or lefs vivid in fome fpecimens than in others.