Is a large, but fomewhat weak tree; the leaves are alternate, and of that fort which are denominated
by botanifts digitated leaves, or divided into feparate proceffes in the manner of fingers:
they generally confift of five divifions, and are of a full, ftrong green, and are fupported on
long footftalks. T h e flowers are veiy large, and of fingular beauty: the petals are of a pale
yellow: the filaments of a deep red, or purple: the antheriE large, long, and purple. T h e
fruit which this elegant tree bears is fliaped not much unlike a cucumber, or the fruit of the
chocolate-nut; and is wreathed or fomewhat furrowed on the outfide. T h e feeds are about
the fize of large almonds. T h e y a r e efculent, but are faid to require roafting in order to make
them agreeable. Linnseus beftowed the name of Carclinea on this tree in honour of Sophia
Carolina, Marchionefs of Baden, an illuftrious patronelii of botanical fcience.
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