Germen and aristce hairy. Style red, slightly hairy on
the lower part, and revolute. smooth above. Stigmas 5, red,
This pretty plant has lately been raised from seed
by Mr. Colvill. It is nearer of kin to P. Seymourice than
to any other with which we are acquainted. We have
onfa mNeadtu irt ainl hHoinstoourry o, f aMnids so Lf oBuostaadnay, ain g rpeaartt iecnucloaru,r aagnedr
wdoheoss eh eexr temnsuicvhe hcererbdaitr.i umI to fi sw eal l-hparredsyer, vefdre sep-gercoimweinngs
kind, but seldom exceeds eighteen inches in height,
and continues to flower in succession throughout the
lseuamvems,e rs. uitA i t mviexrytu rwe eollf; laonadm aa ncdom pmeoant, gorre ednehcoauyseed,
or window of a warm room, is sufficient to protect it
isntr wikien treor,o tw fhreenel yi,t rpelqaunitreeds binu tp olittst,l e awnadt epr.l acCedu ttiinn gas shady situation.
ColvTihlle a dnrda wSoinng, iwn aSs etpatkeemnb eart ltahset. nursery of Messrs.