HOAREA atra.
Dark brown Hoarea.
Hoarea. Pet. 5 insequalia, 2 superiora parallela longe
unguiculata medio abrupte tubulosa petalorum inferiorumr eloflnegxiat.u diSntea,m 5. stleornigliea
recta aut apice incurva, 3 inferiora fertilibus bre-
H. atra, umbella composita, foliis glabris oblongis
sdeegnmtaetinst ist roifbidloisn gtise ronbaotivsavteis vien otebgtruissi s,p ipnentaaltiisf idpliasvneis;
Hoarea atra. Nob. in Colv. Cat. p. 21. col. 2.
Pelargonium atrum. L'Herit. geran. t. 44. Wïllden.
sp. pl. 3. p. 646. Pers. syn. 2. p. 227. Hort. Kew.
ed. 2. vol. 4. p, 161.
Root tuberous, turnep-shaped, and clothed with a
soft brown scaly bark. Stem none. Leaves in clusters
at the crown of the root, very variable, scarcely two
alike, some being oblong or obovate and entire, others
torfif iad poarl et esrhninatien,g jgargegeend ,c oplionunra, tiafnidd otrh idneleyp clyo vteoroetdh eodn,
both sides with simple pellucid hairs ; segments oblong
or obovate, obtuse, entire or sometimes toothed, with
ciliated margins. Petioles long and slender, very weak
and pliant, slightly flattened on the upper side, and
convex on the lower, thickly clothed with soft unequal
hairs. Stipules subulate, membranaceous, attached to
the base of the petiole. Scape slightly branched, with
lPitetdleu nbclreasc tcey-lliikned rilceaalv,e st haict ktlhye cboavseer eodf w thiteh psoefdtu nwchleitse.
hairs. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of several