JENKINSONIA tetragona.
Square-stalked Jenkinsonia.
J. tetragona, pedunculis bifloris, foliis cordato-reni-
formibus quinquelobis dentatis hirsutis carnosis;
junioribus zonatis, ramis tetragonis carnosis, corol-
lis 4 raro 5-petalis.
Pelargonium tetragonum. IVillden.Pers. syn. 2. p. 231. Hort. Ke tvs.p . epd.i . 23. . vp. . 46. 6p9..
173. L'Hdrit. ger. t. 23. Botan. magaz. 136.
DC. pi. grass. 96.
Geranium tetragonum. Andrews's ger an. c. ic.
Geranium trigonum. Scop. del. 1. p. 12. t. 5.
Stem shrubby, succulent, much branched; branches
jsouicnctuedle,n ts,m ooobtthu saelnyd 4g-lsoisdseyd, , ofo ra bsroimghett imgreese n 3c-osildoeudr;,
when quite young, slightly hairy. Leaves fleshy, cordate
or reniform, 5-lobed, toothed and fringed, thickly
clothed with long villous hairs. Petioles nearly cylindrical,
or slightly flattened on the upper side, dilated
at the base, and thinly clothed with short pellucid
hairs. Stipules cordate or widely ovate, blunt. Peduncles
obtusely angular, 2-flowered and covered with
short pellucid hairs. Involucre of 4 lanceolate, taper-
pointed, concave bractes. Calyx 5-cleft, segments unequal,
fringed, upper one widest, lanceolate, 3-nerved,
erect, the others subulately linear, spreading. Nectariferous
tube nearly sessile, more than twice the length
of the calyx, slightly flattened on each side, and covered
with short pellucid hail's. Petals 4, or rarely 5,
the 2 upper ones much the largest, with a long unguis,