rather longest, reflexed, and marked a dark crimson patch. Filaments 10a,t uthneit ebda sea tw tihthe
binawsea,r d7 sb. eaPrionlgle nan otrhaenrgs,e -3c osltoeruirleed o. neGs sehrmoretn a anndd c aurrivsteads
hairy. Style red, hairy at the base and smooth above.
Stigmas 5, reflexed.
This plant and the one we have described under the
pneacmt eM or.f APn. dcraenwessc’se nfsig aurree wneaas rblye gruenla tferodm, atnhde ownee saunsd
fainn iisnhteedr mfreodmia tthe ek iontdh eor,f tahsi nigt, isa nndo tw leik bee leieitvhee rs, obmuet oisf
hciusl aortlhye r hfiisg uGreesr taon ibuem ina stthrea gsaalmifoe lipurmed, ictahme elneta, vpesa rtoif
which are correct enough, but the flowers are not like
it or any other that we have seen; it seems to be quite
Our drawing was taken from a plant in the superb
sceorlvleecdt ioitn ionf fRloowbeerr tt hHis. Jseunmkimnesor ni,n Egsrqe.a twehr epree rwfeec toiobn
than ever we had seen it before; it is rather more tender
than some of the common kinds, but will thrive
wanedll firfo pmla citesd v ienr ya nd iasitriyn csti thuaabtiiot na nadn df onloiatg oev ietr wmaatkeerse da;
pleasing variety. The best soil for it is a mixture of
tpuorsfty olopaemn. anCdu ptteiantg, sa nsdoo an l istttlreik sea nrdo otto ikf epepla ctheed coonm a
shelf in the greenhouse.