PELARGONIUM melissimim.
jBalm-scented Stork’s-bill.
P. melissinum, umbellis paucifloris, quelobis undulato-plicatis dentaftoilsii:s lcoobrids aitnisf eqriuoirni--
bus dilatatis lobatis: superioribus trilobis, stipulis
dentatis ciliatis.
dowSntye.m Lseharuvebsb yd,e ebprlayn 5c-hloinbge1.d , sBtrroanngclhye sri bebreedct ,o nv tehrye
lower, and furrowed on the upper side, covered on
both sides with soft downy hairs, margins undulate
and plaited; lower lobes widely spreading, unequally
lobed and toothed; intermediate ones slightly lobed;
udpowpenry ,o nae litthtrleee f-llaotbteende. d aPnedti oclhea nlonneglleerd thoann t hteh eu plepaefr,
sgiednee. rallSyt itpouoltehse dc. ordPaetdeu, nctlaepse r2- ptoo i5n-tfeldo,w ecrieldia, ted,o wannyd, and reaching beyond the leaves. Pedicles unequal in
lCenaglytxh , 5-acbleofut,t tsheeg mleenntgst hl anocf eothlaet en, eacctaurtief,e rsopurse atduinbge.. Nectariferous tube longer than the calyx, flattened on
both sides, downy. Petals 5, the two uppermost
ionb vtehres emlyi dodvlaet eo, fw iht iitse , as tlaairngeed dnaerakr lysp aoltl, onveear rwlyi thb lareckd,;
from which branch some short stripes of the same
mcoelnotusr :1 0l,o wseevr epne toanllsy n baerraorwinlgy alannthceerosl.a teP, owlhleitne .o raFnig‘lae
coloured. Style hairy. Stigmas 5, reflexed.
Our drawing of this pretty little plant was taken at
Mr. Davey’s nursery, King’s Road, Chelsea. It is one
oPf. cthries phuymb roidr ksionmdes , otfh iatst hkainth, abneedn p perrohdaupcs ePd . bgertawveeeon-
lensv, oann. di. is not very unlikec P. crispum latifolium of