Cut-leaved, Stork’s-bill.
P. incisum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis dibus; foliolis distantibus tripartito-tlearcninatiiast isa,t rpoevtairliis-
flaccidis superioribus longioribus, tubo nectarifero
subsessili calyce 3-plo longiori*.
Pelargonium incisum. JVillden. sp. pi. 3. p. 686. Pers.
syn. 2. p. 233. Hort. Kew. ed. 2. vol. 4. p. 182.
Geranium incisum. Andrews s reposit. 67? male.
Stem shrubby, branching; branches generally 3-
forked, thickly clothed with short villous hairs. Leaves
ternate, of a dark green, slightly pubescent; leaflets
spreading, at a distance from each other, 3-parted or
rdaereepllyy tojoatghgeedd. ; Pseetgiomleesn tssl elnindeera,r , sliogbhttulyse f, latetnentiered oonr
the upper side, dilated at the base, thickly^ clothed
wthieth b assoef t ovfi ltlhoeu sf ohoatsirtsa.l ks.S tipPueldeus nvcelersy ssemvearlal,l -jfoloinweedre tdo, cylindrical, curved upwards, thickly clothed with soft
vshilolortu sb rhaacitres.s . InCvaollyuxc r5e- colef ft6, soerg m7 ewntisd eulyn elqaunacle, ollaante
ceolate, reflexed, the upper one largest. Nectariferous
tube nearly sessile, more than three times longer than
tshheo rct alpyexl,l ufcliadt tehnaeidrs .o n ePaectha lssi d5e,, thliincekalryly c lsopthaethdu wlaitteh,
flaccid, of a yellowish white colour, the two uppermost
* 1?. canescens, umbellis plurifloris, foliis ternatis canescentibus.
foliolis aggregatis tripartito-laciniatis obtusis, petalis rigidis superioribus brevioribus, tubo nectarifero pedicellato calyce quadruplo longion.
Geranium incisum. Andrews's reposit. 67?