PELARGONIUM particeps.
Participant Stork’s-bill.
P. particeps, umbellis multifloris, foliis cordato-re-
niformibus leviter quinquelobis undulatis insequa-
liter obtuse dentatis subtus tomentosis, stipulis
carnoso,lanceolato- tubo subulatis nectarifero persistentibus,calyce trip lo claounlgei oreir.ecto
Gergaenriuamn. cc.o irct.useefolium, var. cortusoides. Andrews's
Stem shrubby, erect, branching, of a brown colsoliugrh.
tlyB pruabncehsceesn et,r ewcti,t ho ra sschairncienlyg fbleaxrkuo. se,L esauvcecsu lceonrt,
date or kidney-shaped, slightly 5-lobed, undulate,
hveaxiryy u, nbeuqtu aslhlyin itnogo thoend twheit hu pvpeeryr bsilduen, t aronudn dtoemd etneteotshe, underneath. Petioles nearly cylindrical, swollen at
hthaeir sb.a se,S taipnudl eths icpkelrysi sctoevnet,r edla wncietho lsaoteft, wehnidtien gu nienq uaanl awl-shaped point, of a light brown colour. Peduncles
cylindrical, thick, very hairy and many-
flowered. Involucre of several bractes; bractes lanceolate,
acute, concave, keeled, very hairy. Pedicles
tvuesrey, sthhoicrkt.l y cCovaelyrxe d 5w-citlhef tl,o nsegg smoeftn ths ailrasn,c euoplpaeter , soegbment
erect, concave, keeled, the others flat and
breoftlhex esdid. es,N veecrtay rihfeariroyu. s tuPbeet afllsa t,5 ,s loigbhcotlryd afuter,r o2w uepd poenr
ones widest, of a dark rose-colour, with 2 dark purple
spots at the base of each, lower petals of the same
colour, all faintly stained with spots and marks of a
deeper colour. Filaments 10, united at the base, 6
only bearing anthers; at the back is a large flattened
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