Bailey’s Stork’s-bill.
P. Baileyanum, umbellis plurifloris, foliis inferioribus
reniformibus basi truncatis sublobatis inaequaliter
argute dentatis villosis: superioribus basi cunea-
tis subquinquelobis, tubo nectarifero calycis. longitudine
withS tseomft svhirlulobubsy ,u bnreaqnucahli nhga.i rsB, raans cihse se vtheircyk olyth celro tphaerdt
of the plant except the corolla. Lower leaves kidneyshaped,
truncate at the base, scarcely lobed, unequally
aUnpdp ers hlaerapvleys twoeodthgeed-s, hawpeitdh astt iftfh ec abratislea,g igneonuesr altleye t5h-.
lobed. Petioles widely flattened and furrowed on the
upper side, and convex on the lower. Stipules cor-
dately lanceolate, acute, sometimes sharply toothed,
others are entire. Peduncles very long, nearly cylindrical.
Umbels several-flowered. Involucre generally
of 6 widely lanceolate acute bractes. Pedicles longer
than the bractes, curved upwards. Nectariferous tube
saibdoeus.t thCe alleynxg 5th- coleff tth, es ecgamlyexn, tsw ildaenlcye follaatttee,n eadc uotne ,b uopth'
per one erect, the others reflexed. Petals 5, the two
upper ones ovate, of a pale blush colour, with a fine
dark crimson spot in the centre, which joins numerous
purple lines from the base that branch in all directions;
lower petals oblong, of a lighter colour. Filaments
10, united at the base, 7 bearing anthers. Pollen
orange-coloured. Germen villous. Style red, slightly
hairy on the lower part and smooth on the upper.
Stigmas 5, of a darker colour, reflexed.