shorter than the others. Anthers incumbent, ligulate,
2-celied, bursting in front to which is of a light orange colour. disGchearrmgeen tdheen speolyll esne,
riceous. Style smooth, purple. Stigmas 5, slightly
Our drawing of this plant was taken at Mr. Colvill’s
tniuorns,e rwyh iinc hS ewpitlel mmboesrt laliskte;l yi tb bee lhoenrgesa fttoe ra dnivaitduerda l fsroecm
Pelargonium into a distinct genus, particularly as that
genus is now so numerous that good names are with
tdiiofnfi cduifltfyer sf ofuronmd tfhoer otthhee rsd iifnfe hreanvti nsgp tehceie s2. upTpehri sp esteacls
sstmamalelenrs asnhdo rnt aarnrodw eerre ctth, atnh et h2e bloacwke ro noense sv, erayn sdh othrte,
nmeaarrklye ds ewsistihle ;v artihoeu sp ceotalolsu rasr, e asa liln otfh eo noet hceorl osuerc,t ionnost,
kbnesoiwdens. a Tdoi sitti nbcetl ohnagbs itP, . bayc etwoshuimch, sttheenyo peatrael umre,a dpiuly-
gmiillluiim, ,c rsecnaandtuemns, , inhqyubirnidaunms, , hleatteerroigtiaummu?m z?o nTalhee, Fproetsheenr-t
species and several others not yet distinguished. •
• This curious plant is seldom seen in flower, and the
flowers are often so hid amongst the leaves that they
adarnet’leya sailty M orv_ eCrloolovkilel’ds: thiits ahuatsu mflnow tehraend emveorr ew ea bhuavne
boebesner vpeudb liits hdeod bbeeffoorree. thWe ep rbeseelinetv,e tnhoo ufgighu riet ohfa si tb eheans
in the gardens, according to Hortus Kewensis, ever
since 1784, when it was cultivated by Mrs. Norman.
Imt ixies d aw hitahr ddye cpalyaendt , leaanvdes , tharnivde sb ewinegll oifn al osaumccyu lseonitl
nature it requires but little water in winter. Cuttings
root readily planted in pots or under hand-glasses in a
sheltered situation.