L ady M ary Hussey's Stork’s-bill.
P. Husseyanum, umbellis multifloris, foliis oblatis quin-
quelôbis denticulatis villosis ; lobis rotundatis un-
dulatis, bracteis pedicellis longioribus, petalis omnibus
obovatis, tubo nectarifero calyce subtriplo
Pelargonium Husseyanum. Nobis in Colv. Catal. p. 22.
col. 2.
Pelargonium Robertsoni. Hortulanorum.
Brown’s Duke of York Geranium. Hortulami-um.
Stem shrubby, branching. Branches thickly clothed
with unequal villous hairs, as is every other part of the
plant except the corolla. Leaves wider than long, cordate, 5- or 7-loofb ead , draertkic uglraeteenly, veined, villous; lobes bluntly rounded, undulate, folding
over each other, and toothed with short horizontal
tseideeth a. ndP ceotinovleesx folna tttehne eldo waenrd, wfuidrreonwede da to tnh et hbea sue papnedr apex. Stipules cordate, generally toothed, fringed and
taper-pointed. Peduncles cylindrical, thickest at the
base and point. Umbels many-flowered. Involucre of
7 bractes, which are ovate or widely lanceolate, concave,
keeled and taper-pointed. Pedicles shorter than
the involucre, about the length of the nectariferous
tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments very long, lanceolate,
acute, reflexed or revolute when in flower, but erect
after. Nectariferous tube short, flattened and channelled
on each side, about three times shorter than the
calyx. Petals 5, all ohovate, of a dark purple; two
upper ones widest, with a bright spot in the centre,