PELARGONIUM seintillans.
Sparkling Stork’s-bill.
P. seintillans, umbellis plurifloris, foliis cuneatis ovatis
insequaliter dentatis incisisve, caule flexuoso ad-
scendente: geniculis tumidis.
Pelargonium seintillans. Hoare MSS.
Stem shrubby, very much branched; branches flex-
uose, ascending, of a purplish colour and swelled at the
joints; thickly covered with short shaped, or sometimes cordate, slighhatilrys. 5L-leoabveeds, wdeedegpley-
and unequally toothed with blunt rounded teeth;
btheiscckelnyc ec. ovPereetido loens abbootuht tswidicese twhiet hl ean gsthho ortf sthoeft lepauf,
slightly furrowed on the upper side, downy. Stipules
w4 idtoel y6 l afnlocewoelraetde., taPpeedru-pnoclienste dth, icaknedn ecdil iaatte . theU mbabseels,
very hairy. Involucre generally of 6 bractes; bractes
ltahnacne othlaet en,e ccotanrcifaevreo,u asc tuutbee, ,v edroyw hnayi.r yC. alPyexd oicf l5e sl alonncegoer
late acute segments. Nectariferous tube hardly as long
a2s uthpep ecramlyoxs,t floavttaetne,e do fo na boptahle s isdceasr, ldeot,w wnyit.h Pa eftaorlsk e5d,
white mark at the base, from which branch short dark
swtritihp edsa; rkloewr evre ipnest.a lsF oiblalomnegn, tso b1t0u suen, itoefd a alti gthhtee rb acsoelo, u7r
ofenclty. beGareirnmg eann tvheeryrs ,h awirhyic. h Sartyel es ehldaiormy aonrd n egvreeer np eorn
the lower part, and red and smooth above. Stigmas 5,
purple and revolute.
We have lately had the pleasure of visiting the
superb and well-managed collection of Geraniacece be