ai n im iin iiifi
Three-coloured Wart-flower.
Phymatanthus. Pet. 5 insequalia: duo superiora ap-
proximata supra unguem verrucosa. Stain, tubo
brevissimo: 5 fertilia recurvo-patentia;duo superiora paulo elongata recta. Lin d5le yst eMrilSiuSm.
P. vtriilcloosloor-,c anpeesdcuennctiubluiss insucibstori-fdloenritsa,t isf soulibist riflaidnicse, opleattais-
lis superioribus minoribus, caule suffruticoso erecto,
tubo nectarifero calyce duplo breviori.
Pelasrygno. n2iu. mp . tr2ic2o9l.o r. HWoritl.l deKne.w s.p . epdi.. 32.. pv.. 6460. .p . P1e6r9s..
Bot. magaz. 240.
Pelargonium violarium. Jacq. ic. rar. 3. t. 527. collect.
5. p. 129.
Geranium tricolor. Andrews's geran. c. ic.
Stem suffruticose, erect, branching, of a brown colour,
very rough and rugged, occasioned by the pervsiasrtieonuts
isnti pfourlems,. laBncraeonlcahtees, ssohmoertt,i mseps retraidfiidn,g d. eeLpleya vines
scoismede oorf ttohoet hleodw, etrh iicnkcliysu croevs eraegda iwn ittho osothfet dw. hitPe ehtiaoilress,
long and slender, flat on the upper side and convex
bSetilpouwl,e st hsuicbkullya tcel,o tdhieladt ewd iatht tshoeft bwashei,t ep erresfilsetxeendt . haPires.
duncles cylindrical, generally 3-flowered, recurved
ewxhpeann dine db;u dt,h ibcuktl yc ucrovveedr edb acwki twh hesnp retahdei nfglo wuenres qaurael hairs. Involucre of 6 subulate spreading bractes.» Pedicles
cylindrical, bent in the same manner as the peduncle,
the flowers leaning forward. Calyx 5-cleft,