DIMACRIA pinnata.
Wing-leaved Dimacria.
Dimacria. Pet. 5 insequalia, duo superiora conniventia
apice divaricata. Stam. sepalis breviora; 5 fertilia
duobus inferioribus duplo longioribus premo brevissimo: 5 sterilia minima psourbrescetqius asliua.
Lindley MSS.
D. jpuingnisa:t afo, liuomlisb eolplpao sciotims pteorsnitias , qufoaltieisr nipsivnen artoitsu nmduatltoi--
ovatis integerrimis utrinque hirsutis, petalis planis.
PelaKrgeown. iuemd. p2i. nnva. tu4m. .p . P1e6rs3.. synB. ot2a. np. . m2a2g7a. x. H5o7r9t..
L'Herit. ger, t. 8.
Root tuberous. Stem none. Leaves in a cluster at
rthoeu ndcrlyo wonv aotef , theen tirroeo, t, oppipnonsaittee,: tleeranflaettes owr idinel yf oaunrsd,
thickly clothed on both sides, with short white hairs,
which gives them a hoary appearance. Petioles nearly
cylindrical, thickly covered with close-pressed hairs.
oStfi pthuel eps etsiuobleusl.a te,S cmapeem bbrraannaccheionugs, , lejoaifnye adt ttoh eth bea sbea soef
wthiet hp ehdauirnsc, lesso.m eP sepdruenacdliensg ,c yoltihnedrrsi ccallo, sde-epnrseeslsye dc.l othIend
volucre of numerous subulately-linear fringed bractes.
Calyx 5-cleft, segments lanceolate, concave, very hairy,
tthube eu psepsesri loe,n es leigrehcttl,y thflea totethneerds, rveeflreyx ehda. iryN, ecmtaorreif etrhoauns
twice the length of the calyx. Petals 5, the two uppermost
widest, broadly spatulate, emarginate, reflexed,
of a light flesh-colour, approaching to buff, from the
bend to base marked with two rows of irregular-shaped
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