PELARGONIUM coarctatum.
Close-leaved Stork’s-bill.
P. coarctatum, umbellis plurifloris dato-reniformibus leviter quinsqoulietaloribeiss, fuonlidisu lcaotirs-
denticulatis coarctatis, caule humili, ramis brevibus
confertis, tubo nectarifero calyce parum breviori.
Pelai’gonium coarctatum. Nob. in Colv. Cat. p. 21.
col. 3.
Lavalette’s Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, very much branched. Branches very
short and crowded together, thickly clothed with soft
wkihdintee y-hsahiarsp.e d,L esalvigehs tlyn u5m-elorobueds,, curnodwudlaetde,, cuonrdeqatuea lolyr
toothed with short rigid teeth, hairy on both sides.
Psiedteio laens dw cidoenlvye fxl aottne ntehde anlodw cehr,a nthneicllkeldy ocnlo tthheed u pwpitehr
short hairs, and some long ones interspersed amongst
tahnedm c. iliaSttei.p uPleesd ucnocrldeast eso, liwtairthy , a4n toa c6u tfelo wpoerinedt,, ktheieclkeldy,
bclroatchteeds ; wbirthac tseosf to vuanl,e qcuoanlc ahvaeir,s .t apIenrv-oplouicnrtee do, f fr6i nogre d7,
and covered with soft villous hairs. Pedicles about the
length of the nectariferous tube. Calyx 5-cleft, segments
unequal, of a brown colour, upper one ovate,
mlananceyo-nlaetrev,e da,c ueter,e crte folerx esdli. ghNtlye ctraerciuferrvoeuds, tuthbee ao lthitetlres
shorter than the calyx, slightly flattened on each side,
hairy, and of a brown colour. Petals 5, the two uppermost
widest, roundly ovate, of a dark reddish
purple, marked at the base with black lines, which
t 2