Stigmas men sericeous.5, reflexed. Style quite smooth, flesh-coloured.
The only account that we have seen of this handsome
species is in the work of Sprengel above quoted; we
believe it has been very lately introduced into our
fgraormde nthse, nwuhmerbee rit apnrdo mbrisilelsia ntoc yb eo fa itgs reflaotw aecrsq. uisIitt iobne,
longs to the same tribe as P. ardens, P. bicolor, &c.
but is certainly a very distinct species. Professor
Stipraredniagteulm m, ebnutito tnhsi sa ndoiftfheresr inne atrhley rbelluantetedr osneeg,m Pen. tms uol-f the leaves, by its umbel producing 30 flowers, which
are of a dark green colour, or perhaps of nearly the
ssaammee tcriobleo.ur as P. triste, which also belongs to the
Our drawing was taken at the nursery of Messrs. Col-
ivnil la ann edq Suaoln ,m wixhteurree tohfe t uprlfayn tlso aamre, gproeawt,i nagn ldu xsuarniadn: tliyt
hreoquusier eins twoi nbtee rk, eapnt di nto t hbee wwaatremreedst b puat rstp aorfi ntghley , gbreeeinng
of a succulent nature and rather more tender than the
igfe tnaekreanli toyf fo fa ti tas rjeoliantti,v easn. d Cpluatntitnegds isnt rpioktes riono tt hree asdaimlye,
hkoinudse .of soil, and placed in a warm part of the green