PELARGONIUM adulterinum.
Hoary trijid-leaved Stork’s-bill.
P. adulterinum, pedunculis 2-4-floris, foliis cordatis
trilobis obtusis villosis inollibus, stipulis latis cor-
datis, tubo nectarifero calyce breviori.
Pelargonium adulterinum. L'Herit. geran. t. 34.
milden. sp. pi. 3. p. 683. Pers. syn. 2. p. 233.
Hort. Kew. ed. 2. v. 4. p. 180.
Kutusoff’s Geranium. Hortulanorum.
Stem shrubby, of a woody texture, very much
branched; branches spreading, thickly covered with
long soft hairs. Leaves cordate, in the winter season
slightly 3-lobed, in spring and summer or trifid, densely clothed on both sides wdeitehp lysh 3o-rlto bsoefdt tdooowthne odf aw iwthh itsishho rct orloouurn;d ilsohb etse veethry; onbetruvsees, purnoemquinaelnlyt
branching in all directions. Petioles about the length
of the leaf, flattened and slightly furrowed above,
tbhriocakdllyy cocvoerdreadte w, ietnhd isnogft awbhruitpet lhya irins. anS tiapcuultees sphooinrtt,, sfloomweetriemde. s tIonovothluedcr, e voilfl o4u so. r 6P ebdruanccteless; vbirllaocutes,s 2o vtaot e4,
lceonngctahv.e ,* Cvearlyy x d5o-wclneyf.t , Pseegdmicelenst s shvoerryt buunte quunael,q uearle citn,
lvainllcoeuosl athea,i ras.c uteN, ecctoanrciafevreo, usth itcukbley cshovoertr eda nwdi thth iscokf,t
amboosut t hwaidlfe alys loobnogv aaste t,h eo fc aal ydxa. rkP eretadl,s a5p, pthroea c2h uinpgp etro
purple, marked with dark stripes from the base, which
branch in all directions, lower ones oblong, obtuse of a
dark rose-colour. Filaments 10, united at the base, 7
g 2